I am happy to recommend Healthcaremarts and their 1300 mW Handheld Domer Laser!
1. Low-Level Laser therapy (LLLT) is 100% safe and effective, natural healing and non-invasive, no side effect.s
2. Proven results for pain relief, inflammation, as well as wound, tissue, and skin injuries.
3. Light, portable, and rechargeable for continuous operation of over 5 hours.
4. Suitable for both Professional, Personal and Pets, dog, equine...
6. Affordable
The Handheld Laser Therapy device has been used in veterinary medicine for pain management, to promote wound healing, to reduce inflammation and swelling, and for rehabilitation in both small and large animals, we concluded the following conditions currently treated successfully with lasers include:
1. Skin disease, Wound
2. Muscle, Tendon, ligament injuries
3. Inflammation reducing
4. Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
5. Post-operative rehabilitation
6. Sprains & Strains pain, Bone fracture
7. TMJ pain, Poll, Muscle pain...
Healthcaremarts has been kind enough to give my clients a discount code for $25 off. Just use "KELLY" as the coupon code at checkout.